In the late-aughts, I pitched myself as a sex columnist who wasn’t just going to write things like how to buy your lady lingerie (it’s cool, we don’t really want it), but what we were really like as humans — what we thought about sex, how we talked about sex among each other, how many people we’d slept with (and why we lied about it), what we thought about porn, what we thought about in our heads when we were actually doing it. The goal was to show the Maxim audience that all women were complex, unique, hilarious, sometimes filthy creatures, in the hopes they would see us as equals, as opposed to just objectifying us. Did it work? Who knows! But I do know that it made a lot of people laugh, including men, and that one time when I was doing a radio show about how women actually farted, a bunch of long-haul truckers called in to say I’d “changed their views on the ladies!”